3 anglers and 4 personnel bests

What a day 20 fish to over 60lb and these 2 x 50s caught within half an hour of each other

2 pbs lac Charmant

8 more fish out today thats 19 since Yesterday  and 2 personal bests on peg 8/9 pictures to follow

Lac Charmant – 29th June 2017.

8 carp out since last night biggest 60lb pictures to follow at last they are feeding and crashing like mad

Lac Charmant – 20th June 2017

Gunther Boets added 12 new photos.

20 June at 10:15 · Tienen, Belgium · Check out Facebook to see all the photos 

Top Carp France – 18th June 2017

The silence gets broken, a single beep, the angels are doing their job, because on the other side of the line is a bucket of fish.


70 fish out last week 19 over 20kg (44lb)

70 fish out last week 19 over 20kg (44lb)

photos to follow – check out our Facebook pages

Lac Charmant – 10th June 2017

It was time to have fun in France! 😍 with Stucadoorsbedrijf van Den Hooven we enjoyed again! Thanks for the great week Pam Quick & James Larkin 😁👍🏻